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Here at Gianna Kazakou Online, we recognize the importance of the safety of your personal information and your electronic transactions and therefore we take all required measures with the most advanced methods in order to provide maximum security. All information related to your personal records are safe and classified. The safety of our shop is acheived using the following methods:
Customer Identification
The fields being used for your identification are: your username (email) and your personal secret password. Their combination provides security for your personal information.
You have the option to modify your Password as frequently as you wish. The only person having access to your personal information is you, using the above mentioned fields (username/password) and you are solely responsible for keeping them secret. In case your password is lost/forgotten or leaked, you must immediately reset it or notify us, otherwise our shop is not responsible for its use by any unauthorized person. For secutiry reasons, we suggest that you change your password frequently and avoid using the same or easily detectable passwords (eg. date of birth). We also suggest that you also use numbers or symbols when entering a new password.
Automatic logout
If there is no activity for 180 minutes, your account is automatically logged out of our shop, unless you have ticked the "Remember me" option before logging in (in which case the interval is extended to 30 days).
Controlled Access (firewall)
All access to our servers is protected by a firewall, which only allows the use of our website to customers/users, forbidding any other access to databases with personal records to everyone else.
Our shop's platform encrypts all transfered information before processing it, by using the key that is negotiated each time you open one of its webpages.
All pages of our shop are protected by SSL-256bit encryption.
Encryption is essentially a method of encoding information until it reaches its destination, where it will be decoded using the appropriate key. This means that all information exchanged between your browser and our servers is not accessible to anyone else.